

Partners in Student Safety

Proud to partner with Securly,

You only need to open a newspaper or turn on a news channel to find an alarming headline about the threats of bullying, self-harm and suicide to children and young people.   

Securly , Capito partner

In addition, the long-term implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on student mental health are still unknown.

Capito are proud to partner with Securly, whose product offering is trusted by over 10,000 schools worldwide, protecting and making web experiences safer for over 10 million students.

Keep students safe on all devices with Securly’s signature 100% cloud-based web filter. Get full visibility into online activity, download or email reports, and receive notifications for flagged content including cyberbullying and self-harm with the most sophisticated AI engine in student safety.

Trusted by 10,000 schools - protecting 10 million students

Since being founded in 2012 by former McAfee network engineers, Securly has been at the forefront of student safety.  Their 100% cloud-based solution includes web filtering, cyberbullying monitoring, and self-harm alerts.  It takes five minutes to set up and costs a fraction of the hardware-based enterprise solutions that schools are forced to pay for today. 

Trusted by 10,000 schools, protecting 10 million students, all Securly products are built on AI and innovative sentiment analysis to catch anything that may put a child at risk.   

Engaging Teachers, Safeguarders, Parents and Students

Securly is a student safety company. It helps schools stay compliant with safety legislation, empowers safeguarding teams to keep students safe both on and off line, and gives teachers and parents visibility and control of online activity to improve engagement and well-being.

With plain language alerting and reporting, Securly is designed with teachers in mind.  Its non-technical interface and delegated administration enables teachers and safeguarders to quickly understand the issues at hand.

Securly , delivered with teachers in mind

Bridging the gap between home and school, Securly's Parent Portal and App provide managed visibility of internet activity and control over aspects of home use.​  Parents can receive emailed activity reports and access real-time activity feeds.

Securly , parent portal

Securly's Tipline service also gives students who witness bullying or other violent behaviour the opportunity to voice their concerns anonymously, allowing them to help their peers without putting themselves in harm's way.

Securly , Tipline

How are you currently being alerted to at-risk students?

Securly is the first web filter to be designed from the ground up for schools.  Their AI-powered sentiment engine scans Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia and YouTube searches, as well as emails and social media posts to identify signs of self-harm, violence and bullying.  

Solving the problem of "over blocking" in schools, their solution allows educators to safely use 21st century instructional tools in the classroom.

In addition to instant email alerts, flagged results are also sent to Securly's 24/7 human-moderated safety team.  These highly-trained individuals will then analyse the activity in context of the student’s complete digital engagement to determine severity and urgency.  The team will then proactively alert the agreed designated safeguarding lead (DSL) based on your escalation policy.

Securly , at risk students
Capito partners with Securly, the Student Safety Company

Thousands of students are safer today as a direct result of Securly's efforts.  

Contact us today for an initial discussion, to arrange a demo, or to start a free trial to see the benefits for yourself.

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