Future. Proof. 

Get students future-ready with rugged and affordable devices that help teachers address individual learning needs. Empower students to achieve more with classroom-ready technology. Devices start at $219, with touch and ink starting at $299.

Learn more by downloading this 3 step guide

Find the right device

Whether you’re looking for yourself or for your school, find an easy-to-manage device with a range of features and functionality – all within your budget.

Buying multiple devices for your school

Make the most of your budget and give classrooms modern, reliable technology with Windows 10 devices. Laptops and 2-in-1s start at $219.

Buying Software for your school

Microsoft’s assortment of software solutions provides tools for the devices in your institution to enhance the experience of every student.
All day battery

Battery life that lasts the entire school day ensuring the device can keep up with the classroom hours.

Choose from a variety of ruggedized devices that can withstand bumps, drops, and spills-resulting in lower repair and replacement costs.
Safe and secure

Windows 10 devices help keep students and data safe with built-in security and privacy features that reduce security events by as much as 33%1.

Starting at $219, you can have the latest Windows devices in the hands of your students quickly and within budget.
Put learning in the hands of all students 
Student-centered learning

Meeting the needs of all of today's diverse learners and helping them build life skills has never been more important.
Discover devices to empower creation and collaboration. 
Collaborate naturally with touch

Students and teachers can choose how they want to learn and teach. Touch-capable Windows 10 devices make it easy for everyone to interact naturally and provide input.
Bring ideas to life with Windows Ink

When used with a digital pen2, Windows Ink unlocks critical thinking and creativity to drive better learning outcomes.

Learn more by downloading this 3 step guide

1The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft 365 Education: Improving Student Learning While Reducing Cost And Effort,” Forrester Consulting 
report prepared for Microsoft, January 2018.  
2Pen-capable tablet or PC required. Pen accessory may be sold separately.